Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas!
So, here are the pictures I promised of my husband's present. He loves cuff links - he only wears french cuff shirts and has a huge cuff link collection. He has a star sapphire ring that belonged to his grandfather and has always wanted cuff links with star sapphires.... We hadn't been able to find any, so I took it upon myself to make them. They turned out pretty dang good, if I do say so myself.... :-) And he loves them... So that makes me happy too.

Thursday, December 24, 2009
Best of - day 23 and 24...
Not as bad this time.... hahaha
Day 23 - Web Tool: Umm... First thing that pops into my head is Blogger. It makes it so simple for me to have my blog... And the reader on the home page makes it so simple for me to keep up with my favorite blogs...
Day 24 - Learning Experience: That sometimes you have to stand up and say, "NO!" If you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed, the best thing to do sometimes is to just say no. Haha... It may not be easy, but you will feel better in the long run....
Merry Christmas tomorrow, everyone!!!
Day 23 - Web Tool: Umm... First thing that pops into my head is Blogger. It makes it so simple for me to have my blog... And the reader on the home page makes it so simple for me to keep up with my favorite blogs...
Day 24 - Learning Experience: That sometimes you have to stand up and say, "NO!" If you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed, the best thing to do sometimes is to just say no. Haha... It may not be easy, but you will feel better in the long run....
Merry Christmas tomorrow, everyone!!!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Picture Post
Ok... I have been really terrible about hooking up my camera and pulling pictures off of it to post on here, but I finally have a chance! Here is some of the stuff that I have been doing or working on lately:
I got tickets to go to the Lakers - Bulls game a few weeks back. The drive up SUCKED the big one... But we had fun at the game! It's always a good time in the Toyota suite.... :-) Even with J making fun of me because I was rooting for both teams.... haha
My best friend and her husband got tickets to the Duck's game right after Thanksgiving. It was a BLAST. I love hockey... (Prefer the Kings, but I take what I can get and it was an awesome game...

The newest blimp that flies around and drops coupons... As a BIG Beatles fan, I LOVED it!!
Whooped 'em! Go Ducks!
I got tickets to go to the Lakers - Bulls game a few weeks back. The drive up SUCKED the big one... But we had fun at the game! It's always a good time in the Toyota suite.... :-) Even with J making fun of me because I was rooting for both teams.... haha
My best friend and her husband got tickets to the Duck's game right after Thanksgiving. It was a BLAST. I love hockey... (Prefer the Kings, but I take what I can get and it was an awesome game...
She had a little bitty monkey costume for Halloween, so I got monkey fabric for the blankie...
Best of - day 19, 20, 21, and 22...
Oops again... I feel like I haven't had a chance to stop moving... And this little adventure of "Best Of"s has suffered a little because of it... But at least I get it caught up every so often!
So here we go....
Day 19 - Car Ride: That would have to be our trips to go camping... There is always a lot of texting, talking, and laughing on the way there... Slightly less on the way back because of being sleepy from the weekend of camping... haha We always stop multiple times both ways for potty breaks, food breaks, and just to get out of the car... But it is always a good time. :-)
Day 20 - New Person: The only one I can think of is - a couple months ago my office got a new management trainee from our corporate office. He was a really nice guy and really fun to have around. Unfortunately, he was only on loan to us and we could only keep him until he found his permanent position in one of the offices. I had high hopes that there would be movement in my office and we would be able to keep him permanently... He now has a permanent position with our Lexus office in Atlanta... He is definitely missed and the office is a little less fun now... And I will be e-mailing him every time there is an opening in our office until I get him back... Have fun in Atlanta, John, we will get you back eventually.....
Day 21 - Project: Ok - this one is something that I just did today. I always have a really hard time thinking of something to get for my husband for Christmas... This year I found something on a website and decided that I was going to go outside of my comfort zone and make him something that I hoped would turn out really cool. I figured it out today... And I think it turned out beautifully. I will post pictures after Christmas because, while I don't think my husband has ever looked at my blog, I don't want to chance ruining the surprise... I am ridiculously excited about it!
Day 22 - Startup: A business that I found this year that I love? Um... Don't really know... There's a game store across the street from my house that I love, but it isn't new and I found it years ago... Um... I can't really think of anything for this one.... Oh well..........
So here we go....
Day 19 - Car Ride: That would have to be our trips to go camping... There is always a lot of texting, talking, and laughing on the way there... Slightly less on the way back because of being sleepy from the weekend of camping... haha We always stop multiple times both ways for potty breaks, food breaks, and just to get out of the car... But it is always a good time. :-)
Day 20 - New Person: The only one I can think of is - a couple months ago my office got a new management trainee from our corporate office. He was a really nice guy and really fun to have around. Unfortunately, he was only on loan to us and we could only keep him until he found his permanent position in one of the offices. I had high hopes that there would be movement in my office and we would be able to keep him permanently... He now has a permanent position with our Lexus office in Atlanta... He is definitely missed and the office is a little less fun now... And I will be e-mailing him every time there is an opening in our office until I get him back... Have fun in Atlanta, John, we will get you back eventually.....
Day 21 - Project: Ok - this one is something that I just did today. I always have a really hard time thinking of something to get for my husband for Christmas... This year I found something on a website and decided that I was going to go outside of my comfort zone and make him something that I hoped would turn out really cool. I figured it out today... And I think it turned out beautifully. I will post pictures after Christmas because, while I don't think my husband has ever looked at my blog, I don't want to chance ruining the surprise... I am ridiculously excited about it!
Day 22 - Startup: A business that I found this year that I love? Um... Don't really know... There's a game store across the street from my house that I love, but it isn't new and I found it years ago... Um... I can't really think of anything for this one.... Oh well..........
Friday, December 18, 2009
Best of - Days 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18!
Oops..... MAJORLY dropped the ball! HAHA!! My week has been absolutely insane...
So to catch up.......
Day 14 - Best rush. Hmm... I'm not really too much of a thrill seeker.... Um... Best rush - I would have to say when I drove my new IS 250 the first time... Don't get me wrong, I loved my Prius dearly, but it was so nice to have a "real" engine again! And I adore my new car.
Day 15 - Best Packaging. Umm... I always get a little thrill when I see the Harvey's (Seatbelt Bag) logo on the side of a box....... And I got my fair shair of them this year! :-)
Day 16 - Best Tea..... Uh.... Oh! I know... Someone was showing me these really amazingly beautiful teas called "flowering teas" or something like that... It looks like a nasty little lump, but when you drop it into hot water, it opens up into a really pretty flower... It was really cool... But she said that it's also really expensive...
Day 17 - Word or phrase that describes the year.... So as they had it on there "2009 was....." gone before I realized it began.
Day 18 - Shop. I love Target. This is not a secret... haha But this year I would have to go with the Seatbelt Bag store in Anaheim.... It's the original one. I love Seatbelt Bags (also not a secret), but had never actually gone to the store until this year... I was like a kid in a candy store...
All right! I got caught up! I guess that's what I am able to do when there are only a few minutes left until I get to leave work and be on VACATION for TWO WEEKS!! And I have finished (well, mostly - there is one thing that I can't do because they company that processes the report I need hasn't done it yet) my insane "Must Do Before Vacation" list and am counting down the seconds until I have 16 full days that I don't have to think about coming into work!!! Hooray for doing whatever pops into my head that I WANT to do, instead of always having to do what I NEED to do!!!!
So to catch up.......
Day 14 - Best rush. Hmm... I'm not really too much of a thrill seeker.... Um... Best rush - I would have to say when I drove my new IS 250 the first time... Don't get me wrong, I loved my Prius dearly, but it was so nice to have a "real" engine again! And I adore my new car.
Day 15 - Best Packaging. Umm... I always get a little thrill when I see the Harvey's (Seatbelt Bag) logo on the side of a box....... And I got my fair shair of them this year! :-)
Day 16 - Best Tea..... Uh.... Oh! I know... Someone was showing me these really amazingly beautiful teas called "flowering teas" or something like that... It looks like a nasty little lump, but when you drop it into hot water, it opens up into a really pretty flower... It was really cool... But she said that it's also really expensive...
Day 17 - Word or phrase that describes the year.... So as they had it on there "2009 was....." gone before I realized it began.
Day 18 - Shop. I love Target. This is not a secret... haha But this year I would have to go with the Seatbelt Bag store in Anaheim.... It's the original one. I love Seatbelt Bags (also not a secret), but had never actually gone to the store until this year... I was like a kid in a candy store...
All right! I got caught up! I guess that's what I am able to do when there are only a few minutes left until I get to leave work and be on VACATION for TWO WEEKS!! And I have finished (well, mostly - there is one thing that I can't do because they company that processes the report I need hasn't done it yet) my insane "Must Do Before Vacation" list and am counting down the seconds until I have 16 full days that I don't have to think about coming into work!!! Hooray for doing whatever pops into my head that I WANT to do, instead of always having to do what I NEED to do!!!!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Best of - day 13.
Today's best of is "Change You Made to the Place You Live"
That's an easy one... My husband finally got me my birthday present (only 6 months late... haha) a few weeks back - it's a sewing machine. I've been wanting one for a while now and he got me a really nice one. I love it.
The first thing that I made with it was awesome sheets for my bed. You know those ridiculously soft fuzzy blankets? Well, we already had one for our bed and it is so soft that J and I kept saying how they should make sheets out of them... So, since you can't buy something like that... I made them. All it really entailed was using the blanket we already had as a top sheet and we bought another one and I sewed it to a fitted sheet. Then we got a different light blanket for the top of everything (those fuzzy blankets are pretty warm by themselves) and there we go. It is DISGUSTINGLY comfy and soft. We both love it.
I already loved my new bed, but this just added a whole new level of comfiness... It's fantastic. I'll take some pictures and post them on here... (I can't take the pictures right now because J is taking a nap... haha)
That's an easy one... My husband finally got me my birthday present (only 6 months late... haha) a few weeks back - it's a sewing machine. I've been wanting one for a while now and he got me a really nice one. I love it.
The first thing that I made with it was awesome sheets for my bed. You know those ridiculously soft fuzzy blankets? Well, we already had one for our bed and it is so soft that J and I kept saying how they should make sheets out of them... So, since you can't buy something like that... I made them. All it really entailed was using the blanket we already had as a top sheet and we bought another one and I sewed it to a fitted sheet. Then we got a different light blanket for the top of everything (those fuzzy blankets are pretty warm by themselves) and there we go. It is DISGUSTINGLY comfy and soft. We both love it.
I already loved my new bed, but this just added a whole new level of comfiness... It's fantastic. I'll take some pictures and post them on here... (I can't take the pictures right now because J is taking a nap... haha)
Saturday, December 12, 2009
I'm confused....
Can someone please explain to me what a threesome has to do with selling watches? I'm confused...
But it's D&G... Hellll-ooooo!
But it's D&G... Hellll-ooooo!
Best of - day 10, 11, and 12....
Once again, I dropped the ball on my best of, so here's a few at once again!
Day 10 - Album of the Year... Hmm... I think I would have to go with........ Umm... I don't really buy a lot of cd's or listen to much popular music (I am a die-hard Beatles fan), so this one isn't easy... I could go with the new Flogging Molly... It is fantastic and gives me a good boost whenever I listen to it...
Day 11 - The Best Place... Hmm, again... The place that I spent the most time away from home would be my best friend's new house. It's definitely my home away from home. And tons of really great memories starting back with freezing our buns off remodeling it back when they first bought it...
Day 12 - New Food... New food.... Have I tried any new foods this year?? Umm.... I found out a while back that I like brussel sprouts... The Kogi adventure introduced me to the wonders several new flavors... I tried lobster the other day... And I absolutely do not like it... I have been trying to expand my horizons and not be so picky... Whenever we go to a restaurant, I try to order something that I haven't had and take my chances instead of ordering a safe choice... J is definitely happy that I am trying to be less picky... He is my chef and he hates having to stick to my picky guidelines... haha But his cooking is AWESOME and he has definitely made huge strides and expanding my horizons...
Day 10 - Album of the Year... Hmm... I think I would have to go with........ Umm... I don't really buy a lot of cd's or listen to much popular music (I am a die-hard Beatles fan), so this one isn't easy... I could go with the new Flogging Molly... It is fantastic and gives me a good boost whenever I listen to it...
Day 11 - The Best Place... Hmm, again... The place that I spent the most time away from home would be my best friend's new house. It's definitely my home away from home. And tons of really great memories starting back with freezing our buns off remodeling it back when they first bought it...
Day 12 - New Food... New food.... Have I tried any new foods this year?? Umm.... I found out a while back that I like brussel sprouts... The Kogi adventure introduced me to the wonders several new flavors... I tried lobster the other day... And I absolutely do not like it... I have been trying to expand my horizons and not be so picky... Whenever we go to a restaurant, I try to order something that I haven't had and take my chances instead of ordering a safe choice... J is definitely happy that I am trying to be less picky... He is my chef and he hates having to stick to my picky guidelines... haha But his cooking is AWESOME and he has definitely made huge strides and expanding my horizons...
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Best of - day 9.
Today's best of is "Challenge." It's supposed to be something that really made me grow... I don't really know what to write about today... Hmm... I really can't think of anything good for this one... Maybe my biggest challenge is trying to think of things to write! haha
That would be kind of fitting... I thought of a REALLY great title for a book about 7 years ago and cannot think of what the book should actually be to save my life... It sucks. Because I really love the title. If I saw a book in Border's with the title, I would at least pick it up to see what it is about... I guess I'll just have to keep thinking...
That would be kind of fitting... I thought of a REALLY great title for a book about 7 years ago and cannot think of what the book should actually be to save my life... It sucks. Because I really love the title. If I saw a book in Border's with the title, I would at least pick it up to see what it is about... I guess I'll just have to keep thinking...
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Best of - day 8.
Today's Best of is "Moment of Peace." This one should be easier... haha When life gets hectic - this time of year always is - it's harder to remember the moments of peace...
I would have to say any of those perfectly blissful lazy days spent with my husband or friends would definitely fall into this category...
The first thing that really stands out in my mind would be what I call "snuggle time." Every night - well, almost every night... Sometimes I got to bed before J - when it's time to go to bed and we are done with our normal nightly routines, we end up in our big comfy bed. We always snuggle up and hold each other while we talk and laugh about our day. No complaining... Just happy thoughts and love. Some nights we will talk and laugh like kids at a sleepover, giggling until I think a mom is gonna come through that door at any second to tell us to keep it down and go to sleep... haha Other nights we just listen to whatever is on the tv (usually Comedy Central) and start to drift off. At some unspoken point we kiss goodnight and both roll over to hunker down in our usual sleeping positions... We love our california king bed because we both sprawl out when we are sleeping...
That is definitely a moment of peace.
And now I can't wait to go to bed tonight....
I would have to say any of those perfectly blissful lazy days spent with my husband or friends would definitely fall into this category...
The first thing that really stands out in my mind would be what I call "snuggle time." Every night - well, almost every night... Sometimes I got to bed before J - when it's time to go to bed and we are done with our normal nightly routines, we end up in our big comfy bed. We always snuggle up and hold each other while we talk and laugh about our day. No complaining... Just happy thoughts and love. Some nights we will talk and laugh like kids at a sleepover, giggling until I think a mom is gonna come through that door at any second to tell us to keep it down and go to sleep... haha Other nights we just listen to whatever is on the tv (usually Comedy Central) and start to drift off. At some unspoken point we kiss goodnight and both roll over to hunker down in our usual sleeping positions... We love our california king bed because we both sprawl out when we are sleeping...
That is definitely a moment of peace.
And now I can't wait to go to bed tonight....
Monday, December 7, 2009
Best of - day 7.
Today's best of is "Best Blog Find."
Seeing as how I just got into blogging this year, this one is easy and hard at the same time... I have stumbled across so many blogs that I love to read that there is no way I can pick just one. It's great how you get such a look into people's lives through their blogs and even start to feel like you know them.... If you look at my profile and start clicking on the links of blogs that I follow, you can't go wrong with any of them... They all have something really great about them...
Seeing as how I just got into blogging this year, this one is easy and hard at the same time... I have stumbled across so many blogs that I love to read that there is no way I can pick just one. It's great how you get such a look into people's lives through their blogs and even start to feel like you know them.... If you look at my profile and start clicking on the links of blogs that I follow, you can't go wrong with any of them... They all have something really great about them...
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Best of - day 4, 5, and 6...
Oops... Missed a few days there...
Day 4's best of was: Book. I think this year, my favorite book was definitely Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. It was delightfully twisted.
Day 5's best of was: Night Out. Hmm... That one's a little tougher... A normal night out for us consists of going to our friends' house and playing cards or Wii... Not exactly exciting, but still a lot of fun...
Day 6's best of is: Workshop or Conference. Really? Boring day.... Hmm.... My department planned this giant meeting for all of our dealers. It was pretty crazy and intense planning, but it was really nice to see it all come together and sit in on some of the sessions. Plus, our closing speaker - Larry Winget - was hysterical and made SO much sense... He talks a lot about personal responsibility and all that kind of stuff and I agreed with everything he said.... Plus, he has a pretty sarcastic sense of humor and that cracks me up...
Day 4's best of was: Book. I think this year, my favorite book was definitely Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. It was delightfully twisted.
Day 5's best of was: Night Out. Hmm... That one's a little tougher... A normal night out for us consists of going to our friends' house and playing cards or Wii... Not exactly exciting, but still a lot of fun...
Day 6's best of is: Workshop or Conference. Really? Boring day.... Hmm.... My department planned this giant meeting for all of our dealers. It was pretty crazy and intense planning, but it was really nice to see it all come together and sit in on some of the sessions. Plus, our closing speaker - Larry Winget - was hysterical and made SO much sense... He talks a lot about personal responsibility and all that kind of stuff and I agreed with everything he said.... Plus, he has a pretty sarcastic sense of humor and that cracks me up...
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Best of - day 3.
Today's Best of Topic is "Article."
The only one I could really think of that I shared a lot was one about a guy supposedly finding a condom in his french onion soup at the Claim Jumpers across the street from my house... By chewing on it. It pretty much turned out that he was a liar and planted it to try to get money... I was never really worried about eating there - not that we want to take the time to go there all that much anyway...
Other than that, the only articles that really stick with me this year are the ones lately blasting Toyota... It just doesn't make sense... Oh well, we'll make it through...
The only one I could really think of that I shared a lot was one about a guy supposedly finding a condom in his french onion soup at the Claim Jumpers across the street from my house... By chewing on it. It pretty much turned out that he was a liar and planted it to try to get money... I was never really worried about eating there - not that we want to take the time to go there all that much anyway...
Other than that, the only articles that really stick with me this year are the ones lately blasting Toyota... It just doesn't make sense... Oh well, we'll make it through...
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Best of - day 2.
Today's best of 2009 is the "Best Restaurant Moment."
The first thing that popped into my head was our Kogi Truck adventure.
Technically not a restaurant, but a fantastic adventure for sure....
The first thing that popped into my head was our Kogi Truck adventure.
Technically not a restaurant, but a fantastic adventure for sure....
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Best of - day 1.
I decided to take part in 20SB's "The Best of 2009 Challenge" for the month of December. Each day will have a different topic that is your "best of" for the year.
Today's topic is Best Trip.
My best trip of the year.... Hmm... That's a little tough because we don't really take a lot of trips... I guess it would have to be one of our camping trips. Every so often (though, not quite often enough) get all of our friends together and head out to some sand dunes and play for a weekend. Our last trip was to Pismo Beach (technically Oceano Dunes). We hooked up our pop-up camper and met up with my best friend and her husband. It was my friend's birthday and I had gotten her a Seatbelt Bag wallet to go with her new Seatbelt Bag that her husband bought her (also for her birthday...) and was DYING to give it to her before we left... We got on the road, got up to the dunes, and started to get camp set up. It was over-cast, but it was perfect that way because it stayed nice and cool. Everyone else started showing up shortly after that.
The first night we always end up staying up late because we're waiting for everyone to show up and are all amped up about being on "vacation." In the morning, everyone ends up rolling out of bed/tent eventually and once every grabs something to eat, it's time to play on the dunes... People take their trucks or bikes/quads out for a romp... I don't generally go out anymore because I get too nervous now for some reason... This time I chose to go out for an quick ride in the truck...
The second night this time was movie night... One of our friends brought a screen and a projector and we watched a movie by the campfire. It was a pretty posh activity for a camping trip... People tend to trickle off to bed faster the second night because of the day spent playing in the sand... The last morning we roll out of bed again and after eating, start packing back up and get on the road to home.
We have a tradition with my best friend and her husband to stop at In and Out on the way home... It's always SO delicious... We don't even care about how dirty we are from spending a weekend without showering... haha
Once we get home and unload, the first step is a long, hot shower... It's always a sublime feeling. So is sleeping in our comfy bed.
But, dirty or not, it's always a great trip that we can't wait to repeat...
Today's topic is Best Trip.
My best trip of the year.... Hmm... That's a little tough because we don't really take a lot of trips... I guess it would have to be one of our camping trips. Every so often (though, not quite often enough) get all of our friends together and head out to some sand dunes and play for a weekend. Our last trip was to Pismo Beach (technically Oceano Dunes). We hooked up our pop-up camper and met up with my best friend and her husband. It was my friend's birthday and I had gotten her a Seatbelt Bag wallet to go with her new Seatbelt Bag that her husband bought her (also for her birthday...) and was DYING to give it to her before we left... We got on the road, got up to the dunes, and started to get camp set up. It was over-cast, but it was perfect that way because it stayed nice and cool. Everyone else started showing up shortly after that.
The first night we always end up staying up late because we're waiting for everyone to show up and are all amped up about being on "vacation." In the morning, everyone ends up rolling out of bed/tent eventually and once every grabs something to eat, it's time to play on the dunes... People take their trucks or bikes/quads out for a romp... I don't generally go out anymore because I get too nervous now for some reason... This time I chose to go out for an quick ride in the truck...
The second night this time was movie night... One of our friends brought a screen and a projector and we watched a movie by the campfire. It was a pretty posh activity for a camping trip... People tend to trickle off to bed faster the second night because of the day spent playing in the sand... The last morning we roll out of bed again and after eating, start packing back up and get on the road to home.
We have a tradition with my best friend and her husband to stop at In and Out on the way home... It's always SO delicious... We don't even care about how dirty we are from spending a weekend without showering... haha
Once we get home and unload, the first step is a long, hot shower... It's always a sublime feeling. So is sleeping in our comfy bed.
But, dirty or not, it's always a great trip that we can't wait to repeat...
Saturday, November 21, 2009
So my husband told me today that he already knows what he is going to get me for Christmas... Normally he would ask me what I want and then not want to go with any of my list... haha And then think of something pretty much at the last minute... :-) This year he already knows and I have absolutely no idea what he could be thinking of... It's going to drive me crazy. I am horrible with waiting - I have bad habits of opening presents early. I am an excellent re-wrapper. You can't even tell... I have always said that patience is a virtue that I was NOT blessed with.
Don't get me wrong - I love the fact that he already thought of something and that it is a complete surprise... I very rarely get surprises... It's just going to drive me crazy trying to think of what it might be! HAHA :-)
Now I need to figure out what to get for him!
Don't get me wrong - I love the fact that he already thought of something and that it is a complete surprise... I very rarely get surprises... It's just going to drive me crazy trying to think of what it might be! HAHA :-)
Now I need to figure out what to get for him!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Kogi Truck Adventure
Was SOOO good. I tried the chicken taco, the short rib breakfast burrito, and the kimchi quesadilla... J tried the short rib taco, the spicy Korean pork taco, the sliders, and the kimchi quesadilla. I also got a tres leches cake, but am WAY too full to try it yet... haha
We showed up right before they opened... There was already a line... It took about 40 minutes to get up to order and about 15 - 20 to get our food... SO worth it.
Here are some pictures of our delicious adventure...
This is the truck... and part of the line in front of us...
This is the menu...
Most of our food... J was already attacking his tacos... haha
So basically... Long wait. But completely worth it. YUM, YUM, YUM.
We showed up right before they opened... There was already a line... It took about 40 minutes to get up to order and about 15 - 20 to get our food... SO worth it.
Here are some pictures of our delicious adventure...
So basically... Long wait. But completely worth it. YUM, YUM, YUM.
Things On My Mind RIGHT Now...
- Defying Gravity. The song from Wicked... It's been stuck in my head since it was on Glee last week... It's not really a bad thing, but I've never even seen Wicked, so it's kind of bizarre to have a song from it stuck in my head...
- KOGI TACO TRUCK! We have been trying to get a chance to track down this truck. Apparently it is delicious. It's a gourmet taco Korean BBQ taco truck... And you have to know about it to be able to find it. And the 6:30 - 9:00 shift of where it will be is actually going to be in a really convenient location for us tonight. I can't wait...
- Bulls vs. Lakers - who do I root for? I'm not really a big enough fan of any sport to have a "team" but I live in Southern California, so the local choice would be Lakers... But the only other team I ever knew anything about was the Bulls because my brother was such a HUGE fan of theirs back in the Michael Jordan days... Conundrum... I'll just root for both :-) I have tickets from my office for the Toyota Suite Thursday night... It's gonna be fun :-)
- Cakewrecks - - FANTASTIC. I have been loving the horribly decorated cakes... And wishing I had the talent to pull off some of the amazingly decorated cakes... But then I remember that I don't like fondant and I can decorate a perfectly passable buttercream cake... haha
- It's finally been feeling like fall here... At least at night - it was still 77 today and was pretty UN-fall-like... At least it's not in the high 80's anymore...
- I hope J doesn't get stuck at work late tonight - I want to get to the Kogi truck as soon as they are open to try to get a decent place in line...
- I hope J can get off work a little early on Thursday so that was can get on the road up to LA for the game sooner... The traffic is always a nightmare...
- I bought Star Trek today... The new one. I haven't seen it yet, but J said it was good.
- I can't wait for next week - short week and a couple days off... Love it.
- I REALLY can't wait for next month - two weeks off! Love it more.
- 12,359. That's the total of the RO's that I put a couple pictures of on here that were PILED on my desk... My spreadsheet totalled them up for me as I entered them. Disgusting.
- Because of that hard work, we got to go to the pay-off dinner for the incentive at The Ritz restaurant in Newport Beach. It was a delicious dinner and the night went very smoothly.
- Why is it that right when you order something or go to a store that's not convenient for something - the very next day you will run out of something ELSE that you can only get from that place??? This just happened... I ordered the brush cleaner for my Bare Mineral makeup from Ulta's website instead of driving up to the store... The day after I placed my order I ran out of my eyelid primer! UGH! Oh well... I'll have to get over there eventually... For now I am using the eyelid primers that I received from them in my "10 free gifts" bundle... Maybe I'll find one that I like that's cheaper.... Who knows?
- How did I go this long without having discovered eyelid primer?? I never have that little crease in my eye shadow anymore and the stuff doesn't come off until I wash it off... It's awesome.
- I bought a Terry's Dark Chocolate Orange today... YUM! SO good.
- The top of my foot hurts... I wonder if I should go get it checked out...
- I love Glee... It makes me want to sing again...
- I hate when people complain about not having enough money for things, but go spend a ton of money on things that they don't even need! Or on things that are ridiculously over-priced that they could get cheaper... It makes me irritated... Don't tell me about how you can't afford something when you are going and dropping twice the amount of money on clothes at Nordstrom's... Ugh.
- I want my new car! Haha Odd timing to talk about my new IS 250 that is on a boat crossing over from Japan right now... I will admit, it's not a cheap car, but I was not referring to myself in the last thought... hahaha
- Yam. This is an inside joke between me and my friend that had us laughing so hard we were crying and in pain last weekend... And had our husbands staring at us like we were freaks... haha My throat and stomach hurt just thinking about how hard we were laughing... But then I start to giggle again thinking about it! It was just too ridiculous.
Well... now I'm giggling too much about yam to think of anything else to right... So, I guess that is it...
I will let you all know how the Kogi excursion went down tomorrow! :-)
- KOGI TACO TRUCK! We have been trying to get a chance to track down this truck. Apparently it is delicious. It's a gourmet taco Korean BBQ taco truck... And you have to know about it to be able to find it. And the 6:30 - 9:00 shift of where it will be is actually going to be in a really convenient location for us tonight. I can't wait...
- Bulls vs. Lakers - who do I root for? I'm not really a big enough fan of any sport to have a "team" but I live in Southern California, so the local choice would be Lakers... But the only other team I ever knew anything about was the Bulls because my brother was such a HUGE fan of theirs back in the Michael Jordan days... Conundrum... I'll just root for both :-) I have tickets from my office for the Toyota Suite Thursday night... It's gonna be fun :-)
- Cakewrecks - - FANTASTIC. I have been loving the horribly decorated cakes... And wishing I had the talent to pull off some of the amazingly decorated cakes... But then I remember that I don't like fondant and I can decorate a perfectly passable buttercream cake... haha
- It's finally been feeling like fall here... At least at night - it was still 77 today and was pretty UN-fall-like... At least it's not in the high 80's anymore...
- I hope J doesn't get stuck at work late tonight - I want to get to the Kogi truck as soon as they are open to try to get a decent place in line...
- I hope J can get off work a little early on Thursday so that was can get on the road up to LA for the game sooner... The traffic is always a nightmare...
- I bought Star Trek today... The new one. I haven't seen it yet, but J said it was good.
- I can't wait for next week - short week and a couple days off... Love it.
- I REALLY can't wait for next month - two weeks off! Love it more.
- 12,359. That's the total of the RO's that I put a couple pictures of on here that were PILED on my desk... My spreadsheet totalled them up for me as I entered them. Disgusting.
- Because of that hard work, we got to go to the pay-off dinner for the incentive at The Ritz restaurant in Newport Beach. It was a delicious dinner and the night went very smoothly.
- Why is it that right when you order something or go to a store that's not convenient for something - the very next day you will run out of something ELSE that you can only get from that place??? This just happened... I ordered the brush cleaner for my Bare Mineral makeup from Ulta's website instead of driving up to the store... The day after I placed my order I ran out of my eyelid primer! UGH! Oh well... I'll have to get over there eventually... For now I am using the eyelid primers that I received from them in my "10 free gifts" bundle... Maybe I'll find one that I like that's cheaper.... Who knows?
- How did I go this long without having discovered eyelid primer?? I never have that little crease in my eye shadow anymore and the stuff doesn't come off until I wash it off... It's awesome.
- I bought a Terry's Dark Chocolate Orange today... YUM! SO good.
- The top of my foot hurts... I wonder if I should go get it checked out...
- I love Glee... It makes me want to sing again...
- I hate when people complain about not having enough money for things, but go spend a ton of money on things that they don't even need! Or on things that are ridiculously over-priced that they could get cheaper... It makes me irritated... Don't tell me about how you can't afford something when you are going and dropping twice the amount of money on clothes at Nordstrom's... Ugh.
- I want my new car! Haha Odd timing to talk about my new IS 250 that is on a boat crossing over from Japan right now... I will admit, it's not a cheap car, but I was not referring to myself in the last thought... hahaha
- Yam. This is an inside joke between me and my friend that had us laughing so hard we were crying and in pain last weekend... And had our husbands staring at us like we were freaks... haha My throat and stomach hurt just thinking about how hard we were laughing... But then I start to giggle again thinking about it! It was just too ridiculous.
Well... now I'm giggling too much about yam to think of anything else to right... So, I guess that is it...
I will let you all know how the Kogi excursion went down tomorrow! :-)
Monday, November 9, 2009
Don't really have much to say... My last post was my plea for the weekend to last longer...
Well, it did... But not in any way I wanted it to... Instead of being a lovely long weekend, I ended up catching J's stomach flu... It sucked. And it ruined my Halloween... :-( Oh well... I've had a while to recover now and finally have energy again.
Other than that... Just been doin' the usual... Working and trying to have fun when I have a chance...
Not really much else.....
So.... enjoy a picture of my favorite street sign... It's near a retirement complex... Cracks me up...
Well, it did... But not in any way I wanted it to... Instead of being a lovely long weekend, I ended up catching J's stomach flu... It sucked. And it ruined my Halloween... :-( Oh well... I've had a while to recover now and finally have energy again.
Other than that... Just been doin' the usual... Working and trying to have fun when I have a chance...
Not really much else.....
So.... enjoy a picture of my favorite street sign... It's near a retirement complex... Cracks me up...
Friday, October 30, 2009
A Simple Plea...
Weekend, my darling... Please, I am begging you. Please don't go so quickly. I wait for you all week... I count down the hours until you are here again... And then I blink and there you go walking out the door... Leaving me to go to work all day where I daydream of my time spent with you... Pining for our next time together...
So please, Weekend... Please be kind... Just take as long as 2 days at the office feel...
That is all...
So please, Weekend... Please be kind... Just take as long as 2 days at the office feel...
That is all...
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Things I CANNOT (or WILL NOT) Live Without
This post is a part of 20SB's Blog Carnival: Can't Live Without, and is awarding prizes to lucky bloggers and readers!
Obviously my husband/friends/family would be first on a serious list... But those aren't the type of things that I am going to focus on here... Neither is air, water, food, or sleep... hahaha
In no particular order...
- Diet Coke. Seriously. I have mini panic attacks when my pantry stash starts getting low. I buy one almost every time I am at a store... I may be able to live without this, but I certainly don't want to.... hahaha
- My DVR. I can't imagine how I made it through life without one of these sooner!
- Funny websites - People of Walmart, Failblog, Emails from Crazy People, Passive Aggressive Notes, Cakewrecks, Crazy Things Parents Say... What would I do without all of you? And that was just the tip of the iceberg... I have TONS that I love.
- Jack in the Box curly fries. They are the best. Whenever I have an upset stomach, they are the only things that help.
- My laptop. I feel lost without it.
- Books. New ones, old ones... Doesn't matter. I wouldn't be happy borrowing my books from a library because I wouldn't want to have to give them back... I have tons of books and I like to re-read them.
- Target. I love Target. Maybe a little too much.... There was a while there that the checkers knew me by name at the one by my office.
- Converse All Stars. I've been wearing these since I was 11 years old. I am getting extremely frustrated by the fact that I can NEVER find my size at stores anymore... I always have to order them from
- Milk. Ice cold 2% milk, to be exact. YUM.
- Blankets. Throw blankets, quilts, vellux blankets... I love them all. There are currently 3 blankets of varying warmth and size piled up on my usual place on the couch and I just grab the one I need for the moment and snuggle up.
- Jammies - I prefer baggy yoga pants and a big t-shirt. Changing into them is pretty much the first thing I do when I get home from work...
- Re-runs of my favorite shows being played all the time. I love relaxing and playing on my laptop while The Office, House, Bones, or Scrubs plays in the background... Or Simpson's, Family Guy, What Not To Wear...
- Seatbelt Bags. They are awesome, they last forever, and they aren't terribly expensive... There are at least 6 that I can think of right now that I want...
- My Dyson Animal vacuum. Love it.
- AIR CONDITIONING! I despise being over-heated...
- Self-checkout lanes. Unless I am buying a lot of groceries... Then I'll go to the regular ones...
- Having every channel. Luckily this became a much less expensive must-have once my husband started working for a major cable company.
- A cable modem. I remember the days of dial-up. And it gives me nightmares.
- Pepcid Complete. Nothing works better for heart burn/indigestion. NOTHING.
- Johnson's Body Care Melt Away Stress Lavender and Chamomile Lotion. It smells fantastic, it's not greasy, and it makes your skin SO soft. I was so excited when they started making it in a pump bottle instead of just the little squeezy tubes...
- Really good dark chocolate. 'Nuff said.
- On-line bill pay. I always hated writing checks and buying stamps... Now I don't have to!
- My debit card. I almost never carry cash...
- New cars - frequently. A perk of my job... I will have my next car (it's at the bottom of the post I linked) for three years, and if I wasn't so excited about it, I would probably be freaking out a little bit about having a car for that long... I'm usually a 1-year kind of girl...
- Nice toilet paper... No more of that super-thin, sandpaper crap that I used to buy when I was BROKE.
- Video games. Yes, I am a 29 year old woman that loves her Wii and Playstation 3...
- My cute red usb mouse for my laptop... I hate using the touch pad...
Umm... My brain doesn't want to think of any more right now.... haha Enjoy.
Obviously my husband/friends/family would be first on a serious list... But those aren't the type of things that I am going to focus on here... Neither is air, water, food, or sleep... hahaha
In no particular order...
- Diet Coke. Seriously. I have mini panic attacks when my pantry stash starts getting low. I buy one almost every time I am at a store... I may be able to live without this, but I certainly don't want to.... hahaha
- My DVR. I can't imagine how I made it through life without one of these sooner!
- Funny websites - People of Walmart, Failblog, Emails from Crazy People, Passive Aggressive Notes, Cakewrecks, Crazy Things Parents Say... What would I do without all of you? And that was just the tip of the iceberg... I have TONS that I love.
- Jack in the Box curly fries. They are the best. Whenever I have an upset stomach, they are the only things that help.
- My laptop. I feel lost without it.
- Books. New ones, old ones... Doesn't matter. I wouldn't be happy borrowing my books from a library because I wouldn't want to have to give them back... I have tons of books and I like to re-read them.
- Target. I love Target. Maybe a little too much.... There was a while there that the checkers knew me by name at the one by my office.
- Converse All Stars. I've been wearing these since I was 11 years old. I am getting extremely frustrated by the fact that I can NEVER find my size at stores anymore... I always have to order them from
- Milk. Ice cold 2% milk, to be exact. YUM.
- Blankets. Throw blankets, quilts, vellux blankets... I love them all. There are currently 3 blankets of varying warmth and size piled up on my usual place on the couch and I just grab the one I need for the moment and snuggle up.
- Jammies - I prefer baggy yoga pants and a big t-shirt. Changing into them is pretty much the first thing I do when I get home from work...
- Re-runs of my favorite shows being played all the time. I love relaxing and playing on my laptop while The Office, House, Bones, or Scrubs plays in the background... Or Simpson's, Family Guy, What Not To Wear...
- Seatbelt Bags. They are awesome, they last forever, and they aren't terribly expensive... There are at least 6 that I can think of right now that I want...
- My Dyson Animal vacuum. Love it.
- AIR CONDITIONING! I despise being over-heated...
- Self-checkout lanes. Unless I am buying a lot of groceries... Then I'll go to the regular ones...
- Having every channel. Luckily this became a much less expensive must-have once my husband started working for a major cable company.
- A cable modem. I remember the days of dial-up. And it gives me nightmares.
- Pepcid Complete. Nothing works better for heart burn/indigestion. NOTHING.
- Johnson's Body Care Melt Away Stress Lavender and Chamomile Lotion. It smells fantastic, it's not greasy, and it makes your skin SO soft. I was so excited when they started making it in a pump bottle instead of just the little squeezy tubes...
- Really good dark chocolate. 'Nuff said.
- On-line bill pay. I always hated writing checks and buying stamps... Now I don't have to!
- My debit card. I almost never carry cash...
- New cars - frequently. A perk of my job... I will have my next car (it's at the bottom of the post I linked) for three years, and if I wasn't so excited about it, I would probably be freaking out a little bit about having a car for that long... I'm usually a 1-year kind of girl...
- Nice toilet paper... No more of that super-thin, sandpaper crap that I used to buy when I was BROKE.
- Video games. Yes, I am a 29 year old woman that loves her Wii and Playstation 3...
- My cute red usb mouse for my laptop... I hate using the touch pad...
Umm... My brain doesn't want to think of any more right now.... haha Enjoy.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Cool night... Literally and figuratively...
Last night we had a mini adventure... We did our usual thing - went and hung out with our friends, had dinner, and played cards. On the way there we had seen a strange "star" that was ridiculously twinkly and kept flashing different colors. I was driving, so J was able to look at it more and he thought that it must be a plane that just looked weird, so we didn't really think anything of it...
On the way home (around midnight) we could still see it - obviously in a different position in the sky because of the time that had passed... So we thought maybe it was a planet or something that was visible... So we decided to grab our nice binoculars when we got home to get a better look. After looking at it for a while that way (it kind of looked like a firework hanging in the sky through the binoculars), J went and got his really nice camera with his strongest lens and got a couple pictures with it on the tripod. We still weren't sure exactly what it was, so I went back inside and grabbed the telescope ($150 telescope that we got a Tuesday Morning for $20. LOVE Tuesday Morning... haha) and set it up. We messed with it for a while to get it set up properly and get it focused...
It was a comet. We could see the comet and the firey tail and everything. It was absolutely gorgeous. From certain angles of it passing across the field of vision, you could actually see every color of the rainbow coming from it. We got it with a fairly low magnification and could keep it in view with minor adjustments for about 10 - 15 seconds... Once we switched to high magnification, it would haul out of the field of vision in at most 4 seconds. That thing was booking. There were also a bunch of meteors in the sky last night too... It was so fascinating that we ended up tracking it for about 2 hours... We figured that since we didn't have any plans today, that it didn't matter how late we stayed up... (I guess not having kids yet is good for something.....) We were finally too cold and too tired to stand in our back yard anymore, so we packed everything back up and went inside...
We tried looking on the internet to see if we could find what comet it was that we were watching... We are not 100% sure, but based on the description of its position in the sky, we think it was the Linear Comet... (Apparently there are about 7 comets visible right now and a lot of meteor activity going on... So cool...)
Tonight on our way home from running errands and stopping at our friends' house for a little while we could see it again... And ANOTHER one... We are hoping to be able to see both of them again tonight... Hopefully MUCH earlier... haha If you are outside tonight, find Orion and look down and to the left... If you see something really bright and ridiculously twinkly... That's the comet we were watching.
On the way home (around midnight) we could still see it - obviously in a different position in the sky because of the time that had passed... So we thought maybe it was a planet or something that was visible... So we decided to grab our nice binoculars when we got home to get a better look. After looking at it for a while that way (it kind of looked like a firework hanging in the sky through the binoculars), J went and got his really nice camera with his strongest lens and got a couple pictures with it on the tripod. We still weren't sure exactly what it was, so I went back inside and grabbed the telescope ($150 telescope that we got a Tuesday Morning for $20. LOVE Tuesday Morning... haha) and set it up. We messed with it for a while to get it set up properly and get it focused...
It was a comet. We could see the comet and the firey tail and everything. It was absolutely gorgeous. From certain angles of it passing across the field of vision, you could actually see every color of the rainbow coming from it. We got it with a fairly low magnification and could keep it in view with minor adjustments for about 10 - 15 seconds... Once we switched to high magnification, it would haul out of the field of vision in at most 4 seconds. That thing was booking. There were also a bunch of meteors in the sky last night too... It was so fascinating that we ended up tracking it for about 2 hours... We figured that since we didn't have any plans today, that it didn't matter how late we stayed up... (I guess not having kids yet is good for something.....) We were finally too cold and too tired to stand in our back yard anymore, so we packed everything back up and went inside...
We tried looking on the internet to see if we could find what comet it was that we were watching... We are not 100% sure, but based on the description of its position in the sky, we think it was the Linear Comet... (Apparently there are about 7 comets visible right now and a lot of meteor activity going on... So cool...)
Tonight on our way home from running errands and stopping at our friends' house for a little while we could see it again... And ANOTHER one... We are hoping to be able to see both of them again tonight... Hopefully MUCH earlier... haha If you are outside tonight, find Orion and look down and to the left... If you see something really bright and ridiculously twinkly... That's the comet we were watching.
Friday, October 23, 2009
How Do You Get Past Times Like These?? Any advice?
Do you ever go through phases where you are just completely unmotivated? Where you just don’t feel like playing? I am dead center in the middle of one of those right now. I used to move a lot growing up and got so used to it that now every couple of years I get really itchy. I was thinking the other day about how I’ve been in Southern California for 15 years now. That’s more than half of my life and weirder to me than I even know how to express. It feels surreal... Like it’s not true... Like any minute now someone is going to come pull the rug out from under me and I’m going to have to start over again - new home, new friends... Where you don’t even know where the grocery store is or how long it takes to get anywhere... It’s just an “itchy” phase... I know it is - I really do go through this fairly often. I know that I’m not going to be moving any time soon... Most likely never, which is really fine with me... My husband and I both have really good jobs that we are happy at and we are happy in our little house (even though we both wish we could expand it back into the yard a bit - we have a large yard, which is rare for Southern California.) Plus, my husband is a California boy - born and raised - so the odds of getting him to leave here are pretty much in the negative region... Haha!
It just seems like everything irritates me when I’m going through these phases... My cats meowing bug the crap out of me, people at work who I can normally TRY REALLY HARD to tune out just slice right through and make me want to stab myself in the brain with a letter opener... If I wake up early, I get mad... People on the road or in stores piss me off - especially the really rude ones... I feel like I’m always running late. The fact that it's 90 degrees out and it's OCTOBER makes me angry because I hate being hot and summer is SUPPOSED to be over! Ugh. I need to snap myself out of it. I was thinking maybe I just need a change - like dying my hair or something... But it took forever to grow my hair out to its natural color for the first time since I was 16 and the sun has finally lightened it up a bit so all of my natural highlights are coming back out... I don’t want to cut my hair because I’m still a little scarred from cutting it all to donate it last year...

This was the hair I had cut off to donate to Locks of Love. It was 15 inches. I had to lay it out to dry.... So pretty... Even like this... (I love my hair.)
This was it braided - ready to send in... It was hard to do... There was a part of me that really wanted to go have it made into extensions and put it back on my head... But I knew that someone out there needed it more than I did... I still have the card that they sent thanking me on my desk at work...
That was a LOT of hair to lose all at once... haha It was hard to deal with... I didn't even trim it for just over a year after...
I don't know... I am sure that this phase will pass - just like it has every other time... Maybe I just need to get some sleep... Or to lounge on my couch with my husband and clean out our dvr... Or maybe just venting it all out on here will help...
I'll let you know.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
I get really annoyed when people pronounce words incorrectly... There is a woman in my office that has absolutely no apparent mastery of the English language... Even though it is her first language... She says "Sectember" for one... Drives me crazy. So glad she doesn't sit anywhere near me anymore...
There are two radio commercials that play all the time lately and I just can't figure out if that was the best take they could get or if they just didn't care... In one the woman says "fustration." This is something that the woman in my office also says. And it is extremely "fustrating" to listen to. The second is a car commercial where the man says something about a "panoranic" moon roof. Ugh.
Just ugh.
There are two radio commercials that play all the time lately and I just can't figure out if that was the best take they could get or if they just didn't care... In one the woman says "fustration." This is something that the woman in my office also says. And it is extremely "fustrating" to listen to. The second is a car commercial where the man says something about a "panoranic" moon roof. Ugh.
Just ugh.
Monday, October 19, 2009
More of the same...
I really do keep intending to get better about writing on here again... And then life happens... haha
Remember before when I was ridiculously busy at work? Yeah... So it's still going on. AND we have a huge summit meeting coming up on Thursday... AND two more incentives that are going to make my desk remain buried under paperwork...
Well.... here are pictures this month of the continuing fun.... haha
Remember before when I was ridiculously busy at work? Yeah... So it's still going on. AND we have a huge summit meeting coming up on Thursday... AND two more incentives that are going to make my desk remain buried under paperwork...
Well.... here are pictures this month of the continuing fun.... haha
Monday, October 5, 2009
If my ears would pop, I'd be golden...
Specifically my right ear... They have been really plugged up (fluid in them according to the not-so-helpful doctor that just told me to take dramamine for the dizziness and wait it out) for about a week now... Ugh. I got over the worst of whatever this is over the weekend. I struggled through most of the week last week, but by Friday I was done. I called in sick and proceeded to sleep for most of the day. Then slept most of the day Saturday and Sunday.... I don't have the horrible headaches anymore, but my ears are driving me INSANE. I'm actually getting slightly frightened of when my ears do finally pop because everything is going to seem ridiculously loud... I actually slept through my alarm for 20 minutes the other morning because I was sleeping with my right ear up and didn't hear it... haha
I'm hoping that I avoided passing it on to J... He was feeling pretty crappy on Saturday, less so on Sunday, and went to work today... So I'm hoping...
I've been neglecting my poor little blog... Mainly because I've been either out of town or sick for a while and either haven't been around physically or mentally in order to write... A few weekends ago we went on our camping trip. It was overcast the whole time, but that was actually really nice because you didn't have to worry about being too hot. One of my friends brought his projector and screen and we watched a couple movies while sitting around the campfire. It was a pretty plush extravagance while camping... haha The two puppies that were making their first trip camping did really well... Poor Cowboys paws were bugging him by the end of the weekend and he wanted nothing to do with sitting in front of the fire... Poor baby. My friend told me that he PASSED OUT in the car on the way home... He'll get used to it...
The next weekend we went on a weekend trip with a different group of friends to see one of J's coworker's hockey tournament.... Unfortunately they lost the game we were there to see, but they had the biggest cheering section there... haha While were there, our friends got engaged! Very exciting. The ring was gorgeous and she was so excited she couldn't stop hugging all of us and telling everyone we walked past... We had a delicious dinner at Il Fornaio to celebrate. Good weekend.
This past weekend - in between sleeping and being sick - I finally coudln't stand it anymore... Being gone and working and being sick - we hadn't cleaned in a while.... Our kitchen was getting UNUSABLE with the amount of stuff we had dropped on the table and on the counters... There were bags and boxes and mail and empty soda cans and.... you name it. Plus, a sink full of dishes we had used during the week.... We are both pretty cluttery people, but that was WAY over the line. And the only reason there were empty soda cans on the counter instead of in the recycling can was because we had been too lazy to take the full bag of recycling to the outside can! It was bad. haha Better now though. I can breathe a sigh of relief and when I get home and need to set my purse down on the table (where I always put it... we eat at our dining table - never the kitchen one) I can do it without it immediately tipping over and falling on the floor...
I'm still dealing with my desk of chaos at work... And found out the other day that pretty much as soon as I am done dealing with the RO's for this incentive - we will be having TWO MORE that I will have to be doing pretty much the same thing for. I have a feeling that my bosses have a pool going for when I will snap... Fantastic. Oh well. It makes the days go REALLY quickly, and it's easy, so I guess I can't really complain. It's job security, right? As long as I have mountains of work, I am obviously necessary... But if I get one more stupid meaningless task dumped on me that the "dump-er" should be doing themself...... Well, lets just say I hope that person picked that day in the "Snap Pool." haha
Well...... I'm covering the switchboard again (our receptionist's husband is a professional motocross rider and he got in an accident in his last race and had to have surgery on his hand today) and so I had some time to write.... But I supposed I should probably start sorting this stack of RO's that I brought down here with me so that I can add them to the stacks that are already sorted and ready to enter.... It's really never-ending.....
I'm hoping that I avoided passing it on to J... He was feeling pretty crappy on Saturday, less so on Sunday, and went to work today... So I'm hoping...
I've been neglecting my poor little blog... Mainly because I've been either out of town or sick for a while and either haven't been around physically or mentally in order to write... A few weekends ago we went on our camping trip. It was overcast the whole time, but that was actually really nice because you didn't have to worry about being too hot. One of my friends brought his projector and screen and we watched a couple movies while sitting around the campfire. It was a pretty plush extravagance while camping... haha The two puppies that were making their first trip camping did really well... Poor Cowboys paws were bugging him by the end of the weekend and he wanted nothing to do with sitting in front of the fire... Poor baby. My friend told me that he PASSED OUT in the car on the way home... He'll get used to it...
The next weekend we went on a weekend trip with a different group of friends to see one of J's coworker's hockey tournament.... Unfortunately they lost the game we were there to see, but they had the biggest cheering section there... haha While were there, our friends got engaged! Very exciting. The ring was gorgeous and she was so excited she couldn't stop hugging all of us and telling everyone we walked past... We had a delicious dinner at Il Fornaio to celebrate. Good weekend.
This past weekend - in between sleeping and being sick - I finally coudln't stand it anymore... Being gone and working and being sick - we hadn't cleaned in a while.... Our kitchen was getting UNUSABLE with the amount of stuff we had dropped on the table and on the counters... There were bags and boxes and mail and empty soda cans and.... you name it. Plus, a sink full of dishes we had used during the week.... We are both pretty cluttery people, but that was WAY over the line. And the only reason there were empty soda cans on the counter instead of in the recycling can was because we had been too lazy to take the full bag of recycling to the outside can! It was bad. haha Better now though. I can breathe a sigh of relief and when I get home and need to set my purse down on the table (where I always put it... we eat at our dining table - never the kitchen one) I can do it without it immediately tipping over and falling on the floor...
I'm still dealing with my desk of chaos at work... And found out the other day that pretty much as soon as I am done dealing with the RO's for this incentive - we will be having TWO MORE that I will have to be doing pretty much the same thing for. I have a feeling that my bosses have a pool going for when I will snap... Fantastic. Oh well. It makes the days go REALLY quickly, and it's easy, so I guess I can't really complain. It's job security, right? As long as I have mountains of work, I am obviously necessary... But if I get one more stupid meaningless task dumped on me that the "dump-er" should be doing themself...... Well, lets just say I hope that person picked that day in the "Snap Pool." haha
Well...... I'm covering the switchboard again (our receptionist's husband is a professional motocross rider and he got in an accident in his last race and had to have surgery on his hand today) and so I had some time to write.... But I supposed I should probably start sorting this stack of RO's that I brought down here with me so that I can add them to the stacks that are already sorted and ready to enter.... It's really never-ending.....
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Things On My Mind RIGHT Now...
- I wish I could breathe... But my stuffed up nose seems to think that I don't need to
- My ears are bugging me... Especially my right one
- I am sick - obviously. haha
- I don't have a fever... So that's a plus.
- Tomorrow is flu shot day at work and I have to pull off acting healthy so that they give it to me without a hassle... haha Good thing I'm not REALLY sick... Just a bad cold.
- J is on call again this week and still isn't home from work... I hate that.
- I wanted chinese food for dinner really badly, but he's not going to feel like going out to get it after he finally gets home...
- Maybe I can play the pathetic sick card and talk him into going... haha
- I am enjoying my new book "Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters"
- "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" is being made into a movie! Yay!
- After seeing the latest New Moon (Twilight series) trailers, I am getting really excited about seeing it when it comes out...
- I want to watch Man vs. Food, but J isn't home yet, so I can't...
- I just flipped it to TLC and Toddlers and Tiaras is on. SO wrong. So very very wrong. I have to turn it. Jeopardy it is.
- My brain can't think any more......
- My ears are bugging me... Especially my right one
- I am sick - obviously. haha
- I don't have a fever... So that's a plus.
- Tomorrow is flu shot day at work and I have to pull off acting healthy so that they give it to me without a hassle... haha Good thing I'm not REALLY sick... Just a bad cold.
- J is on call again this week and still isn't home from work... I hate that.
- I wanted chinese food for dinner really badly, but he's not going to feel like going out to get it after he finally gets home...
- Maybe I can play the pathetic sick card and talk him into going... haha
- I am enjoying my new book "Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters"
- "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" is being made into a movie! Yay!
- After seeing the latest New Moon (Twilight series) trailers, I am getting really excited about seeing it when it comes out...
- I want to watch Man vs. Food, but J isn't home yet, so I can't...
- I just flipped it to TLC and Toddlers and Tiaras is on. SO wrong. So very very wrong. I have to turn it. Jeopardy it is.
- My brain can't think any more......
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Things on my mind RIGHT NOW.
- I am tired.
- I think that I mention being tired on all of these...
- Camping was fun.
- I hate Wednesdays because my husband doesn't have to go to work and is always still all snuggled up in bed when I leave.... (he works 4 10-hour days)
- I would LOVE to be at home in my pajamas right now - possibly just waking up... maybe still sleeping... And then lounge on the couch and play Katamari Forever (ridiclously fun game) on my PS3
- Friday is Beach Day for my office
- I need to check what the weather is going to be so that I can plan my outfit accordingly...
- Ugh... It's supposed to be 86. At least I will be at the beach, so the breeze will be nice...
- I am freezing right now. The warmer it is outside, the colder it is in my office. I get weird looks when I go during the day because I wear sweaters in the summer... but I would be absolutely FROZEN if I didn't....
- I wonder if the stuff I ordered from Scion is going to show up today... (my company was giving up discounts on t-shirts and other stuff....)
Eh.... That's all I got right now...
- I think that I mention being tired on all of these...
- Camping was fun.
- I hate Wednesdays because my husband doesn't have to go to work and is always still all snuggled up in bed when I leave.... (he works 4 10-hour days)
- I would LOVE to be at home in my pajamas right now - possibly just waking up... maybe still sleeping... And then lounge on the couch and play Katamari Forever (ridiclously fun game) on my PS3
- Friday is Beach Day for my office
- I need to check what the weather is going to be so that I can plan my outfit accordingly...
- Ugh... It's supposed to be 86. At least I will be at the beach, so the breeze will be nice...
- I am freezing right now. The warmer it is outside, the colder it is in my office. I get weird looks when I go during the day because I wear sweaters in the summer... but I would be absolutely FROZEN if I didn't....
- I wonder if the stuff I ordered from Scion is going to show up today... (my company was giving up discounts on t-shirts and other stuff....)
Eh.... That's all I got right now...
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Things On My Mind RIGHT Now...
- I have a headache.
- Tomorrow is my Friday at work...
- I wish I could wear jeans tomorrow seeing as how it is MY Friday...
- We are going camping in Pismo this weekend.
- It is going to be LOVELY. I can't wait.
- It's been way too long since we went camping.
- Hopefully no bugs found their way into the pop-up camper in the months it hasn't been used...
- Still need to pack... It's going to be pretty cold at night, so I need to make sure to pack my "sleepin' layers."
- "Sleepin' layers" for me consist of thermal top and leggings, at least two pairs of sweats/yoga pants, warm knee-high socks, and at least one sweatshirt. Oh... and my beanie. The pop-up is 30 years old and there is no heater... It's really just a glorified tent and it gets COLD in there.
- I need to find my "fugg boots" - Fake Uggs... They are the best thing for hanging out in sand all weekend... You don't have to deal with shoes full of sand... Love it.
- I never did find my walkie-talkie... Ooops.
- What food do we want to take this time? Usually we take burgers or something for dinner... But every once in a while we splurge and take filet... Mmm....
- I hope it's not windy... It isn't supposed to be... When it is, it's horrible... Check it out... This is the only way you can stand to be outside when it get windy - the sand beats the crap out of you... We usually end up hiding in the camper and play cards and dominos...
We look like we are ready to climb a mountain... haha
- J is making popcorn in the microwave right now... I hate the smell of popcorn cooking... I don't know why - and I don't know ANYONE that agrees with me, but to me, it smells like pee.
- All right... back to Wipeout :-)
- Tomorrow is my Friday at work...
- I wish I could wear jeans tomorrow seeing as how it is MY Friday...
- We are going camping in Pismo this weekend.
- It is going to be LOVELY. I can't wait.
- It's been way too long since we went camping.
- Hopefully no bugs found their way into the pop-up camper in the months it hasn't been used...
- Still need to pack... It's going to be pretty cold at night, so I need to make sure to pack my "sleepin' layers."
- "Sleepin' layers" for me consist of thermal top and leggings, at least two pairs of sweats/yoga pants, warm knee-high socks, and at least one sweatshirt. Oh... and my beanie. The pop-up is 30 years old and there is no heater... It's really just a glorified tent and it gets COLD in there.
- I need to find my "fugg boots" - Fake Uggs... They are the best thing for hanging out in sand all weekend... You don't have to deal with shoes full of sand... Love it.
- I never did find my walkie-talkie... Ooops.
- What food do we want to take this time? Usually we take burgers or something for dinner... But every once in a while we splurge and take filet... Mmm....
- I hope it's not windy... It isn't supposed to be... When it is, it's horrible... Check it out... This is the only way you can stand to be outside when it get windy - the sand beats the crap out of you... We usually end up hiding in the camper and play cards and dominos...

- J is making popcorn in the microwave right now... I hate the smell of popcorn cooking... I don't know why - and I don't know ANYONE that agrees with me, but to me, it smells like pee.
- All right... back to Wipeout :-)
If I could change one thing about myself this week...
I would make myself better about getting out of bed and moving faster in the morning... I somehow always end up having to do my make-up at red lights and in the parking lot once I get to work... (At least I don't do it while driving...) I just love my bed too much....
Monday, September 14, 2009
Ugh, ugh, and ugh.
So I'm working on an incentive at work... For bonus points our Dealers are supposed to send in RO's every week showing that they sold the qualifying stuff... They don't. Haha... They wait until the end of the month and send in huge boxes of them... This was the state of my desk as I left it on Friday...

They all have to be entered in by Wednesday because the numbers for August are coming in and we have to get the current standings posted. Ugh.
I can't wait until this is over (one more month of it...) and I can have my desk back....
They all have to be entered in by Wednesday because the numbers for August are coming in and we have to get the current standings posted. Ugh.
I can't wait until this is over (one more month of it...) and I can have my desk back....
Sunday, September 13, 2009
New Favorite Make-Up
Bare Minerals... SO nice. Feels like you aren't wearing anything, but you look amazing... My sister-in-law turned me onto it while she was out here over the weekend looking at houses. (She and my brother and their kids are moving out here soon)
It's pricey... I won't pretend it's not... But it's fantastic. And you use so little of it at a time that it lasts a LONG time....
I'm excited to do my makeup tomorrow... Hopefully I can make myself look at least half as good as the girl at the store did... haha
It's pricey... I won't pretend it's not... But it's fantastic. And you use so little of it at a time that it lasts a LONG time....
I'm excited to do my makeup tomorrow... Hopefully I can make myself look at least half as good as the girl at the store did... haha
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Things On My Mind RIGHT NOW.
- I love my new Seatbelt Bag - I got the Feather one :-)
- I have switchboard duty AGAIN.
- I am SOOOOO sick of looking at RO's for this incentive I am working on... If I never have to look at another one after this, I will be a happy girl.
- I want more Seatbelt Bags... I still really want the other one from when I couldn't decide... And the red wristlet... And..... Several more.
- Two of the people I dislike most in the office are walking down the stairs of the atrium right now and they are very irritating and noisy...
- Shooting was awesome over the weekend. On one of my doubles in skeet I got both clays with one shot. It almost never happens... It was awesome! I squealed like a little girl... haha
- I am so happy that it is already Wednesday. Short weeks are awesome.
- Next week is a short week for me too... We are taking Friday off and going camping with friends up at Pismo Beach for the weekend.
- A bunch of people in my office have a lot of vacation time that they need to use or else they will lose it because the company is lowering the maximum that you can accrue... I actually take my vacation, so I don't have any extra, but if I had the amount that some of these people have, I would make it so I don't have to work any Mondays for a while.
- Beatles Rock Band came out today! Mine is on its way to me as we speak.
- I absolutely cannot wait to watch Glee tonight! I have been dying for it ever since that sneaky preview first episode months ago...
- I can't wait for new episodes of The Office, House, Fringe, Bones, Lie To Me...... It's like my old friends are coming back to visit and refill my pretty much empty DVR...
- I have been spending a lot of time in the sun lately which means that I am slowly achieving a slightly darker shade of white on my arms... haha
- J is on call this week.... Blah.
- After I finished Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, I decided that I wanted to re-read Pride and Prejudice. So I am.
- I love my bed. (We used to have a really crappy bed and slept horribly forever until we finally got out and spent the money on a nice one... Now whenever I am tired all I can think about is sinking into my bed...)
- I worked out yesterday for the first time in a week... I've been bad... Oh well.... I'll get back with the program.
- I absolutely cannot wait to order my new car!!! My lovely dark blue Prius Touring has been pretty good to me, but the two years are almost up and I am ready for something FUN.
How can you say no to that face? (photo courtesy of
- My nails need to stop breaking... It's annoying.
That's it for now...
Thursday, September 3, 2009
It's a good thing tomorrow is Friday...
Because after this week, I couldn't take much more.
It's a good thing that it's a long weekend too.....
It's a good thing that it's a long weekend too.....
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
If I could change one thing about myself this week...
I would make myself remember where our second walkie-talkie is so that we will have it to take on our camping trip in a couple weeks... They're nice to have because then you can talk car to car the whole way there and while offroading...
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Things On My Mind RIGHT NOW.
- My arm still hurts
- Tomorrow is Wednesday! Yay!
- I need to find my walkie-talkies before our camping trip in a couple weeks...
- I am REALLY tired... Apparently donating platelets takes a lot out of you even though they give you your blood back... who knew?
- I need to pick a new book to read seeing as how I finished "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" today...
- I need to read more often - that book should never have taken me that long to finish.
- I wonder what my husband is cooking for dinner right now... Shepherd's pie, maybe? We bought all the stuff for it the other day... I can smell ground beef cooking...
- I need to go to bed early like I did last night. I crashed hard last night - never even heard J come to bed...
- I need to clean the litter box
- My hands are dry... Good thing I have my amazing-smelling Johnson's Lavender lotion that I love so much...
- I can't wait for my new purse to get here...
that's it for now... I gotta go see what I get to eat for dinner :-) YUM!
- Tomorrow is Wednesday! Yay!
- I need to find my walkie-talkies before our camping trip in a couple weeks...
- I am REALLY tired... Apparently donating platelets takes a lot out of you even though they give you your blood back... who knew?
- I need to pick a new book to read seeing as how I finished "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" today...
- I need to read more often - that book should never have taken me that long to finish.
- I wonder what my husband is cooking for dinner right now... Shepherd's pie, maybe? We bought all the stuff for it the other day... I can smell ground beef cooking...
- I need to go to bed early like I did last night. I crashed hard last night - never even heard J come to bed...
- I need to clean the litter box
- My hands are dry... Good thing I have my amazing-smelling Johnson's Lavender lotion that I love so much...
- I can't wait for my new purse to get here...
that's it for now... I gotta go see what I get to eat for dinner :-) YUM!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Platelet Donation
Today was platelet donation day... It took the entire two hours and my arm hurts, but I feel really good about having done it... I don't think I have ever felt anything weirder than when the machine would reverse and the blood would go back into my vein... SO strange. And uncomfortable...

It switched into reverse "shoot blood back into your arm" mode right when I started to take the picture.... Hence the weird look on my face.... Haha
My machine... You can see my platelets (the yellow junk in the bag at the top) and my blood winding all over the machine... I've decided that I have very pretty burgundy-colored blood... haha and the machine held my attention a lot more than anything on the tv... haha
So that was my day... Now I have a large pink bandage on my arm... But Bud needs my platelets a lot more than I do.... I hope it helps and wish him the best.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Switchboard Writing
This time I volunteered for our Lexus office... I love going over there... They have a refrigerator full of snacks and drinks. Mmmm...... Strawberry Qwik..... And Diet Coke.... And string cheese. Love it.
On Monday I have an appointment to go to City of Hope hospital to donate platelets. One of our Dealers is really sick and will be needing them more than me.... I'm on edge about it, and the reasons have nothing to do with the actual act of having needles in my arms for two hours... It's more because I have to drive all the way up there by myself, I've never been there before so I will most likely get lost, and I don't know anything about what I need to do when I get there.... Will I have to pay for parking? Where is the part of the building I need to go? How long will it take to get there? Oh well.... It's for a really good cause, so I am happy to do it... Just apprehensive. I tried to make my appointment for tomorrow, but the only one they had that wouldn't get in the way of other plans was at 7am. I'm sorry, I want to help - I do - I just don't want to have to get up at 5am to be ready and there and 7.... So Monday it is. Since it is for one of our Dealers, I doubt they expect me to use any personal time or anything like that... I could probably even grab the keys to one of our pool cars and nab a gas card, but I'm not too worried about that.... Plus, if I take my own car I can just go straight home if it takes a long time or traffic is really bad... Or if I'm feeling crappy. I don't know a lot about how donating platelets makes you feel... I assume you don't really feel any different because you get your blood back... So, anyway, that means I will be spending the weekend taking it easy and hydrating... Sorry, diet coke, I'm gonna have to go easy on you for the next few days... Oh - and I will be dealing with having a headache because all I can take for it is Tylenol and that doesn't work as well for me as Excedrine or Advil... Oh well.... Again - for a good cause. haha
J wanted to go shooting again this weekend, but I think I am going to have to stay home this time... Something tells me that standing in the blazing sun for several hours would be counterproductive to my hydration efforts.... :-) So, instead, I think I will lounge on my couch with my liter bottles of evian and chug water until I float away.... Well, not too much water... I don't want to end up like that lady that was trying to win a Nintendo Wii for her kids...
So.... yeah. That's about it right now. My brain doesn't want to think of anything interesting right now... So I'm going to zone out and read my book while answering the one phone call every 20 minutes or so that comes in here.....
Enjoy your weekends!
On Monday I have an appointment to go to City of Hope hospital to donate platelets. One of our Dealers is really sick and will be needing them more than me.... I'm on edge about it, and the reasons have nothing to do with the actual act of having needles in my arms for two hours... It's more because I have to drive all the way up there by myself, I've never been there before so I will most likely get lost, and I don't know anything about what I need to do when I get there.... Will I have to pay for parking? Where is the part of the building I need to go? How long will it take to get there? Oh well.... It's for a really good cause, so I am happy to do it... Just apprehensive. I tried to make my appointment for tomorrow, but the only one they had that wouldn't get in the way of other plans was at 7am. I'm sorry, I want to help - I do - I just don't want to have to get up at 5am to be ready and there and 7.... So Monday it is. Since it is for one of our Dealers, I doubt they expect me to use any personal time or anything like that... I could probably even grab the keys to one of our pool cars and nab a gas card, but I'm not too worried about that.... Plus, if I take my own car I can just go straight home if it takes a long time or traffic is really bad... Or if I'm feeling crappy. I don't know a lot about how donating platelets makes you feel... I assume you don't really feel any different because you get your blood back... So, anyway, that means I will be spending the weekend taking it easy and hydrating... Sorry, diet coke, I'm gonna have to go easy on you for the next few days... Oh - and I will be dealing with having a headache because all I can take for it is Tylenol and that doesn't work as well for me as Excedrine or Advil... Oh well.... Again - for a good cause. haha
J wanted to go shooting again this weekend, but I think I am going to have to stay home this time... Something tells me that standing in the blazing sun for several hours would be counterproductive to my hydration efforts.... :-) So, instead, I think I will lounge on my couch with my liter bottles of evian and chug water until I float away.... Well, not too much water... I don't want to end up like that lady that was trying to win a Nintendo Wii for her kids...
So.... yeah. That's about it right now. My brain doesn't want to think of anything interesting right now... So I'm going to zone out and read my book while answering the one phone call every 20 minutes or so that comes in here.....
Enjoy your weekends!
I Love Me Some Seatbelt Bags...
I am having a very difficult time making a decision..........
This beautiful espresso convertible tote....

Or this beautiful feather boat tote.....

Both are Seatbelt Bags (pictures courtesy of I'm leaning towards the feather one because it's completely different than any other one I have.... but the brown one can be a purse OR a messenger bag!
What to do..... I have to use my 20% coupon I got! I have no choice... hahaha
If this is the hardest decision I have to make today, I think I'm doin' pretty dang good........
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
I kinda dig my husband...
I decided today to share some pictures from my wedding... Enjoy :-)
He hid my ring inside my birthday present... You can see it on the right. So maybe I did ask for a game that a five-year-old would want for my 24th birthday... haha
This is my ring - we had it custom made. I love it. It's exactly what I wanted - antique-y and absolutely gorgeous. I still hold my hand so that light hits it and makes it sparkle... I can't help it.
Here I am getting ready...
In the dress... Ebay was my hero for pretty much everything... Haha I saw the dress and fell in love with it...
The ceremony was beautiful... It was a little windy and the arch kept tipping over before the ceremony so we enlisted the help of two of my nieces to keep it in place... They were so good...
Like I titled the post... I kinda dig my husband... :-)
This picture cracks me up because you can see how hard it is not to laugh when completely posed... haha
This picture came about when I told J, "You - look over there." and told my sister who was our photographer, "You - take a picture" haha It turned out great. I love it.
This is most of my giant family... There are even two people missing from this...
We made our own wedding cake.... J's cousin is a pastry chef and taught us how to make it... It was dark, dark chocolate with mocha-toffee filling and amazing buttercream. I refer to it as "prozac in cake form..." The pictures are our grandparents that aren't with us anymore...
After we cut the cake, I ran off with a piece because it's DELICIOUS. haha
Bouquet toss... The first throw hit the ceiling... if you look closely you can see a rose that got stuck up there... haha
Watch the hands, buddy! haha
And I'll leave you with my favorite picture... :-)

Things on my mind RIGHT NOW.
- It's getting close to time to go home!
- I just sorted a couple huge stacks on RO's into numerical order... It was a pain in the butt, but it's the easiest way to make sure I don't have duplicates.
- I never did my sudoku calendar today...
- I have got to do my Active workout tonight... I've been bad about staying on schedule this month.
- We are going camping in Pismo next month. It's going to be awesome - it's been WAY too long since we had a camping trip.
- I need to make sure to request the Friday off for the camping trip... We used to just leave after work, but it's so much easier to take the day off and not have to set up camp in the dark.
- I am trying to think of what I want for dinner tonight...
- I need to actually go to bed early tonight instead of just saying I am going to... I'm always so stinking tired!
- I really need to clean out my purse... I somehow accumulate a bunch of junk in it and then it weighs a billion pounds...
- I just sorted a couple huge stacks on RO's into numerical order... It was a pain in the butt, but it's the easiest way to make sure I don't have duplicates.
- I never did my sudoku calendar today...
- I have got to do my Active workout tonight... I've been bad about staying on schedule this month.
- We are going camping in Pismo next month. It's going to be awesome - it's been WAY too long since we had a camping trip.
- I need to make sure to request the Friday off for the camping trip... We used to just leave after work, but it's so much easier to take the day off and not have to set up camp in the dark.
- I am trying to think of what I want for dinner tonight...
- I need to actually go to bed early tonight instead of just saying I am going to... I'm always so stinking tired!
- I really need to clean out my purse... I somehow accumulate a bunch of junk in it and then it weighs a billion pounds...
Monday, August 24, 2009
This Really Shouldn't Need Clarification...
I got a comment on one of my "If I Could Change One Thing..." posts the other day from someone that I have never met, doesn't follow my blog (to my knowledge... seeing as how there are only a handful of people I know that know it exists...), and do not know in any way shape or form.... And the more I think about, the more I wonder why the person felt the need to comment... Those posts are not meant to be serious! They are supposed to be funny - maybe they are only funny to me, but that's just fine...
This person explained to me how I was asking for things that aren't possible (because I truly thought that I could somehow be blessed with a "magical ability" - come on...) and to focus on things I can actually change.
Their example was "smiling more" - I smile plenty, thanks. I was smiling quite a bit when I wrote that post, in fact... And I was smiling even more as I rejected the unnecessary comment...
So now I'm thinking that "If I Could Change One Thing About Myself This Week" it would be to make myself able to make other people smarter... How's that? I like it.
This person explained to me how I was asking for things that aren't possible (because I truly thought that I could somehow be blessed with a "magical ability" - come on...) and to focus on things I can actually change.
Their example was "smiling more" - I smile plenty, thanks. I was smiling quite a bit when I wrote that post, in fact... And I was smiling even more as I rejected the unnecessary comment...
So now I'm thinking that "If I Could Change One Thing About Myself This Week" it would be to make myself able to make other people smarter... How's that? I like it.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
If I could change one thing about myself this week...
I would give myself the magical ability to instantly break in new shoes...... That way my heels wouldn't be hurting and in need of band-aids (but there's a class in the room where our first aid kit is...) and I wouldn't be sitting here barefoot. :-)
But the shoes are really cute. And so comfy in every other way.... I just know that they will get comfier in the heel area.....
But the shoes are really cute. And so comfy in every other way.... I just know that they will get comfier in the heel area.....
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The Benelli and Other Pics
I decided that since it has been a while since I took the time to put photos on here, that I would actually hook up the camera and get the latest ones on my laptop...
Last Saturday we went to an outdoor skeet and trap shotgun range to shoot J's new shotgun. It was a lot of fun (even though it made my should sore...).
Here are some pictures from the fun...
J shooting
My turn
Me waiting for my turn... Also after I pulled my hair up because it was so stinking hot - and how I got my little bit of sunburn on my little bit of exposed back....
Last Saturday we went to an outdoor skeet and trap shotgun range to shoot J's new shotgun. It was a lot of fun (even though it made my should sore...).
Here are some pictures from the fun...

This is Scarlet, a horse that used to be at my friend's stable. She was in a goofy mood and I finally caught a picture of it... Reminds me of when Peter brought home the "mentally challenged horse" on Family Guy... haha Love it.
So there you go.... Enjoy! :-)
Oh... and I was not lucky enough to come home to a puke free house... My bedding will be freshly washed again tonight........... Sigh.
So there you go.... Enjoy! :-)
Oh... and I was not lucky enough to come home to a puke free house... My bedding will be freshly washed again tonight........... Sigh.
Things on my mind RIGHT NOW.
- That I am going to head to lunch in a few minutes.
- That while I am sad to be seeing my summer shows coming to an end, I am excited because it means that my fall shows are getting close! Can't wait for more House!!
- That on one hand I am really glad that the lady that sits next to me is back from vacation because I was sick of answering her managers' phones and helping them out, but one the other hand I am not happy she's back because she clears her throat constantly and it makes me gag... She sounds like she is hacking up a lung. And she talks really loudly on the phone. And she uptalks - where everything sounds like a question.... Oh well...
- That I wish a program I use would update so that I can verify my numbers from a different program that I use for my monthly reports and my incentives...
- That I have far too many pens on my desk... But I love office supplies so much that I can't help myself. And I use them all for different things...
- I'm worried about my friend at work, Becky's, dog. He's not doing well - he has to have an MRI and might need surgery... Poor Pepe....
- That I really really really really hope that I don't come home to puke on my bed from one of my cats (Emily, I am looking at you... You are the PUKER.) like I did yesterday... It's annoying to have to wash all my bedding after work in time to go to bed....
- That I really need to go shoe shopping - I need more cute flats because most of the ones I have are starting to look old... Nordstrom's Rack and DSW, here I come!
- That I can pretty much move my shoulders with no pain today... Just as my right shoulder was finally feeling better from falling, I went skeet and trap shooting and my left shoulder hurt from that!
- Shooting is fun, theraputic, and exciting... Even though I sucked at it... And missed a spot on my back with the sunscreen and got a little burn... But in defense of my shooting abilities - I haven't done moving target shooting since I was 12 and then I only hit one... And I hit three each of the two times I went up this time. And the other girls that were up there sucked worse. So I didn't feel too bad... Even if I was only hitting 12% of my targets...
- I wonder if my new plum that sprouted on my plum tree is going to ripen properly unlike the other two...
- Milky Way Midnight's are yummy. That's why I never put them in my candy jar when I get the assortment that has them. They go directly into my hidden stash for me only. I'm not very good at sharing.
- I don't need to go to Target at lunch.... But I probably will anyway. It's new movie Tuesday! I have to go see what came out because I missed it when Ralph talked about it on Kevin and Bean this morning! (Is it bad that some of the cashiers know me now?? I can't help it - ever since they opened the one at the Spectrum - RIGHT near my office - I go all the time!)
- I love ponytails. They are so easy for days when you just don't feel like messing with your hair. I missed them when I cut my hair off to donate to Locks of Love.
- I wish my nails would stop breaking. They'll start to look good and then they break and look like crap again. So annoying.
- I keep phone numbers randomly placed around me at work so that I can quickly check to see if it's someone I want to talk to or someone that can just go to voicemail...
- I could have gone back to sleep and slept for hours this morning... I always say that I'm going to go to bed early and then 10:30 - 11:00 rolls around and I think "CRAP! Did it again!"
- I want to go to the Asian grocery store because our sesame shao bing went bad and I want some...
- I also want to go for purely junk-foody reasons too... Probably why I try to just not go at all... But they have my favorite Asian snacks there.... Like Puccas. You can't find Puccas anywhere else... Mmmmm... Fish-shaped chocolate filled pretzels.... And Tomato Pretz. SO good.
- I forgot to go buy my some Tomato Pretz for my mom before I saw her... She loves them and I usually will go pick some up when I am going to see her.... Dang.
- Maybe I shouldn't go to Target.... That's where I was going last week when the parking lot gymnastics happened... Maybe the universe it trying to stop me... Well, too bad, universe, I still went last week and I am still going today!
- I need to remember to put one of my new packs of Sweet Mint Orbit gum in my purse. It's my favorite flavor - it tastes just like those little pink, green, and white after dinner mints that just melt in your mouth.... YUM.
- I have had a lot of Thai food lately... I need some Chinese food now... Maybe dinner tonight... Mmm...
- I need to get myself motivated to attempt to make French Macaroons. They are nothing like the coconut ones here. They are fluffy and delicious and melt in your mouth... But they are seriously difficult to make... I think I'm willing to make the sacrifice and eat all the ones that don't turn out perfectly in order to learn... haha Seriously - these little 1-inch diameter delights can go for anywhere from $1.50 - $4.00 each at bakeries! Craziness. SOOO delicious though. I don't cook - that's Josh's thing - but I love to bake...
- When I figure out how to make them, I want to try all sorts of different ideas that I have rolling around in my head for flavors for them...
- I should probably go to lunch seeing as how my mind keeps going back to foods and snacks.... Yikes. HAHA!
- That while I am sad to be seeing my summer shows coming to an end, I am excited because it means that my fall shows are getting close! Can't wait for more House!!
- That on one hand I am really glad that the lady that sits next to me is back from vacation because I was sick of answering her managers' phones and helping them out, but one the other hand I am not happy she's back because she clears her throat constantly and it makes me gag... She sounds like she is hacking up a lung. And she talks really loudly on the phone. And she uptalks - where everything sounds like a question.... Oh well...
- That I wish a program I use would update so that I can verify my numbers from a different program that I use for my monthly reports and my incentives...
- That I have far too many pens on my desk... But I love office supplies so much that I can't help myself. And I use them all for different things...
- I'm worried about my friend at work, Becky's, dog. He's not doing well - he has to have an MRI and might need surgery... Poor Pepe....
- That I really really really really hope that I don't come home to puke on my bed from one of my cats (Emily, I am looking at you... You are the PUKER.) like I did yesterday... It's annoying to have to wash all my bedding after work in time to go to bed....
- That I really need to go shoe shopping - I need more cute flats because most of the ones I have are starting to look old... Nordstrom's Rack and DSW, here I come!
- That I can pretty much move my shoulders with no pain today... Just as my right shoulder was finally feeling better from falling, I went skeet and trap shooting and my left shoulder hurt from that!
- Shooting is fun, theraputic, and exciting... Even though I sucked at it... And missed a spot on my back with the sunscreen and got a little burn... But in defense of my shooting abilities - I haven't done moving target shooting since I was 12 and then I only hit one... And I hit three each of the two times I went up this time. And the other girls that were up there sucked worse. So I didn't feel too bad... Even if I was only hitting 12% of my targets...
- I wonder if my new plum that sprouted on my plum tree is going to ripen properly unlike the other two...
- Milky Way Midnight's are yummy. That's why I never put them in my candy jar when I get the assortment that has them. They go directly into my hidden stash for me only. I'm not very good at sharing.
- I don't need to go to Target at lunch.... But I probably will anyway. It's new movie Tuesday! I have to go see what came out because I missed it when Ralph talked about it on Kevin and Bean this morning! (Is it bad that some of the cashiers know me now?? I can't help it - ever since they opened the one at the Spectrum - RIGHT near my office - I go all the time!)
- I love ponytails. They are so easy for days when you just don't feel like messing with your hair. I missed them when I cut my hair off to donate to Locks of Love.
- I wish my nails would stop breaking. They'll start to look good and then they break and look like crap again. So annoying.
- I keep phone numbers randomly placed around me at work so that I can quickly check to see if it's someone I want to talk to or someone that can just go to voicemail...
- I could have gone back to sleep and slept for hours this morning... I always say that I'm going to go to bed early and then 10:30 - 11:00 rolls around and I think "CRAP! Did it again!"
- I want to go to the Asian grocery store because our sesame shao bing went bad and I want some...
- I also want to go for purely junk-foody reasons too... Probably why I try to just not go at all... But they have my favorite Asian snacks there.... Like Puccas. You can't find Puccas anywhere else... Mmmmm... Fish-shaped chocolate filled pretzels.... And Tomato Pretz. SO good.
- I forgot to go buy my some Tomato Pretz for my mom before I saw her... She loves them and I usually will go pick some up when I am going to see her.... Dang.
- Maybe I shouldn't go to Target.... That's where I was going last week when the parking lot gymnastics happened... Maybe the universe it trying to stop me... Well, too bad, universe, I still went last week and I am still going today!
- I need to remember to put one of my new packs of Sweet Mint Orbit gum in my purse. It's my favorite flavor - it tastes just like those little pink, green, and white after dinner mints that just melt in your mouth.... YUM.
- I have had a lot of Thai food lately... I need some Chinese food now... Maybe dinner tonight... Mmm...
- I need to get myself motivated to attempt to make French Macaroons. They are nothing like the coconut ones here. They are fluffy and delicious and melt in your mouth... But they are seriously difficult to make... I think I'm willing to make the sacrifice and eat all the ones that don't turn out perfectly in order to learn... haha Seriously - these little 1-inch diameter delights can go for anywhere from $1.50 - $4.00 each at bakeries! Craziness. SOOO delicious though. I don't cook - that's Josh's thing - but I love to bake...
- When I figure out how to make them, I want to try all sorts of different ideas that I have rolling around in my head for flavors for them...
- I should probably go to lunch seeing as how my mind keeps going back to foods and snacks.... Yikes. HAHA!
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