I decided today to share some pictures from my wedding... Enjoy :-)

He hid my ring inside my birthday present... You can see it on the right. So maybe I did ask for a game that a five-year-old would want for my 24th birthday... haha

This is my ring - we had it custom made. I love it. It's exactly what I wanted - antique-y and absolutely gorgeous. I still hold my hand so that light hits it and makes it sparkle... I can't help it.

Here I am getting ready...

In the dress... Ebay was my hero for pretty much everything... Haha I saw the dress and fell in love with it...

The ceremony was beautiful... It was a little windy and the arch kept tipping over before the ceremony so we enlisted the help of two of my nieces to keep it in place... They were so good...

Like I titled the post... I kinda dig my husband... :-)

This picture cracks me up because you can see how hard it is not to laugh when completely posed... haha

This picture came about when I told J, "You - look over there." and told my sister who was our photographer, "You - take a picture" haha It turned out great. I love it.

This is most of my giant family... There are even two people missing from this...

We made our own wedding cake.... J's cousin is a pastry chef and taught us how to make it... It was dark, dark chocolate with mocha-toffee filling and amazing buttercream. I refer to it as "prozac in cake form..." The pictures are our grandparents that aren't with us anymore...

After we cut the cake, I ran off with a piece because it's DELICIOUS. haha

Bouquet toss... The first throw hit the ceiling... if you look closely you can see a rose that got stuck up there... haha

Watch the hands, buddy! haha

And I'll leave you with my favorite picture... :-)
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful wedding! You look radiant!
Many many congratulations to you!!! :)