Friday, February 11, 2011

Winner, Winner... Pancake Dinner?

Who has two thumbs and just won free Grand Slams for a year at the Denny's by her house?


So I had decided that I needed a couple days off and I was nearing the max on my vacation accrual at work (how, I don't know... Apparently I need to take more time off....) so I took Friday and Monday off. To start off my lovely 4-day weekend, I decided that I wanted pancakes... I just didn't want to have to make them.

The nearest Denny's to me had just reopened after a remodel and ownership change, so I decided to go pop in... Plus, I had seen that they were going to be having a promotion where every 10th customer to pay would win free Grand Slams for a year... I very rarely win things, so I figured it would just be pancakes and then out the door... I was wrong. Instead my farewell from Denny's included an air horn and confetti in my face. 

Now I have coupons (which I realistically will use very few of...) for a free Grand Slam a week until January of next year.

Looks like it's gonna be a good little mini-vacation for me.... I think now I need to go to Harvey's and see if they still have any of the purse I want left in stock at the store... This could be my lucky day! 

I'm gonna go buy a lottery ticket!


  1. Winning anything at Dennys is right behind winning the lottery. Enjoy your breakfasts.

  2. I rarely go to Denny's, but it would still be fun to win breakfast for a year!
    The coupons would also be fun to slip into cards as an extra little gift for others :)

  3. Congrats!! That is awesome. I never let Brent take me to Denny's because I figure you can make pancakes at home for pennies -- I'm going to have to reconsider my stance on that one.

  4. Ever notice how often you win things you don't really want? Now if I could just convince the luck gods that I really don't want that 50 million dollars...

    BTW I just surfed in from SITS.

  5. haha that is awesome, nicely done!

  6. I have been trying to figure out ways to use up all of the coupons... haha At least I know that any time I am craving pancakes, I just have to drive down the street :-)

  7. that is absolutely amazing! it's sad but I totally love grand slams.

  8. This is awesome! I wish I won free grand slam pancakes for a year!

  9. Hey saw you on SITS! I had pancakes for dinner last night, and they are awesome!! Good for you! Cute blog! I'm a follower!

  10. Oh! You're so lucky! I'd love a weekly pancake!

  11. omg! that is SO awesome!! haha.

  12. The sad part is that I have no used a single one of my coupons yet.... I just haven't been in the mood for pancakes....... Well played, Denny's. Well played.


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